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    Deck Landing A Royal Navy Instructional Film (1942)

    I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
    Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


      Fairey Swordfish flight deck operations

      I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
      Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


        53 года назад, 29 июля 1967 года в Тонкинском заливе на борту американского авианосца «Форрестол» произошёл пожар.

        Секунды до катастрофы - Взрыв на авианосце

        Как Джон Маккейн авианосец не поджёг

        Подробности на warhead.su:

        Фото дня: «Форрестол» в огне

        Это свежее:

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Views:	585
Size:	82.2 KB
ID:	2367

        I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
        Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


          Merchant Aircraft Carrier

          I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
          Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


            Footage of a Tense Aerial Battle During the Falklands War

            Из коментов:

            DJEDz TVГод назад
            As a Russian, I really admire British Engineering. Harrier is a beautiful bird.735ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Скрыть 41 ответ

            GarГод назад
            Thank you my friend ...Russia has a great history building great aircraft aswell ...respect .99ОТВЕТИТЬ

            mug wumpГод назад
            Both countries have great engineering, especially where aviation is concerned. I like seeing the practicality of russian aircraft. Usually easy to maintain & tough and durable. Favorite russian aircraft? The WW2 IL-2, & the later SU-25, IL-76 and SU-24.44ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Jeff PullenГод назад
            Russia has a lot to be proud of too bro, sorry we have this animosity right now. Russia's history is truly magnificent you guys are hardcore. Respect from the UK52ОТВЕТИТЬ

            ThePeople'sPanzerГод назад
            And one fitting of the Russian philosophy of rugged aircraft, fit for purpose, and able to be employed from rough or unprepared strips. Russian admiration for it was clear from the Yak 38 Forger. In return, I've always found the Su27 family to be particularly attractive machines, especially the twin seaters, and the Mig 31 is a complete beast and engineering marvel too.12ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Jammy DodgerГод назад
            Appreciate the compliment to our engineers. Russian engineering is extremely impressive as well in my opinion. Russia has brought many important technologies to the world, thank you.13ОТВЕТИТЬ

            AeronautГод назад
            As a Brit, I can honestly say that I think your SU-27 is equally as beautiful. Probably the best looking Fighter Jet in the World.20ОТВЕТИТЬ

            AeronautГод назад
            @Big Boss Not true. An AH-1 shot down a MIG-21 during the Iran-Iraq War.1ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Young JamaicanГод назад
            It’s a plane not a bird dumb1ОТВЕТИТЬ

            caitgems1Год назад
            I'm British and I have huge respect for your countries aviation industry.5ОТВЕТИТЬ

            H0usseTube !Год назад
            But me from Holland as an allie of Brittain would choose the Sukhoi over the Harrier4ОТВЕТИТЬ

            The Republic of Ustio.Год назад
            I can say that easily for your planes, from Britain! You have to send them worldwide for airshows!1ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Guillaume GirouxГод назад
            Join NATO man, there's no point having the West and Russia hate each other.1ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Twenty Letters MaximumГод назад
            Thnak you and respect to your aircrafts1ОТВЕТИТЬ

            ash moleГод назад
            My favourite tank of all time is the T 34 hello from England1ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Baggs 7311 месяцев назад
            As an English man I really respect the Russian people. The bad feeling is between our governments not the people. I even came away from marseille with a massive respect for your football fans. The UK and Russia will never fight one another, there is no need to. Let's just keep trading with each other instead.6ОТВЕТИТЬ

            M M11 месяцев назад
            Guillaume Giroux yes because he’s gonna be able to decide wether Russia joins natoОТВЕТИТЬ

            EpikKatz10 месяцев назад
            So you are a Slav?1ОТВЕТИТЬ

            matspurs10 месяцев назад
            if it wasn't for the Russian threat it probably wouldn't have been builtОТВЕТИТЬ

            Bintang Prawirantara9 месяцев назад
            Your yak 141 was gorgeous too1ОТВЕТИТЬ

            David8 месяцев назад
            I'm English and I don't know if I'd call the Harrier beautiful. It was super innovative and was a cheap effective solution to carrier air power.ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Duarte Carreira7 месяцев назад
            That's a plane. You guys really getting confused with those Chernobyl birdsОТВЕТИТЬ

            Duarte Carreira7 месяцев назад
            @Young Jamaican dumbОТВЕТИТЬ

            Mike UK6 месяцев назад
            shame they sold it offОТВЕТИТЬ

            phil mill6 месяцев назад
            DJEDz TV. Usa built the sidewinder, sea harrier was all british. Lol lean dog for a mean fight. Harrier was encumbered by her thick wings but rotated beautifully . Russia doesn't do so bad itself with aircraft .ОТВЕТИТЬ

            The Dude6 месяцев назад
            Yeah I love the yak-7 beautiful Russian plane!ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Dave Floyd6 месяцев назад
            @The Dude IL2 most successful a/c of WW2?ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Héctor G. Sacristan5 месяцев назад
            cheap copy of Yakolev VTOLОТВЕТИТЬ

            Dave Seekers4 месяца назад
            Mig 29 is beautifulОТВЕТИТЬ

            NightStop_ YT4 месяца назад
            DJEDz TV the su-47 berkut is an amazing Russian engineeringОТВЕТИТЬ

            Hypixel2364 месяца назад
            Thank you. Your country engineering is awesome too. I really love to study Russian history and I respect RussiaОТВЕТИТЬ

            Raditya Putra4 месяца назад
            Russian and Brits pioneer in VTOL.2ОТВЕТИТЬ

            dji zzah4 месяца назад
            the early mig 15 was a ground breaking and successful russian combat aircraftОТВЕТИТЬ

            tylsimys673 месяца назад
            @dji zzah So fortunate russkies didn't have those in WW2 against our Gloster Galdiators - to avoid utter humiliation.ОТВЕТИТЬ

            j2 месяца назад
            @Young Jamaican Google metaphors.ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Cézure2 месяца назад
            The harrier is one of the worst aircraft ever madeОТВЕТИТЬ

            j2 месяца назад
            @Cézure Elaborate.ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Alastor The Radio Demon2 месяца назад
            I like your bear bombers and migs, beautiful aircraft.ОТВЕТИТЬ

            myyou tubeaccount1 месяц назад
            It was originally made to combat Russia to drop nuke.ОТВЕТИТЬ

            bigdbaldydom1 месяц назад
            @Héctor G. Sacristan lol... Just remember who sold you a load of Rolls Royce jet engines to help kick-start your whole jet fighter programme? Look it up if you haven't already worked it out1ОТВЕТИТЬ

            bigdbaldydom1 месяц назад
            @myyou tubeaccount No, that was the job of the English Electric Lightning; the Harrier was never designed to be an interceptor1ОТВЕТИТЬ

            Royston Vasey1 месяц назад
            As a Brit, the Su-27 is a beautiful plane.
            I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
            Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


              Видео прекрасно. Но комменты ещё лучше!
              Mortui vivos docent


                Из фильма о Корейской войне The Bridges at Toko-Ri (1954) Оскар» за лучшие спецэффекты (1956)

                Спецэффекты действительно хороши для тех лет, но блин, вот эти вот фонтанчики от пуль и снарядов на земле со стреляющих самолётов появляются чуть ли не под брюхом пролетающего самолёта, тоже самое в куче фильмов. Емнип, в фильме Битва за Британию 69-го, при штурмовке немцами филда во Франции, фонтанчики появлялись чуть ли не после пролёта Мессера
                I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
                Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


                  Collision of EA-6B Prowler with S-3B Viking Aboard USS Enterprise (Complete Footage)

                  Video from this tragic mishap has been publicly available for years but I have been sitting on this longer (and marginally better quality) version for a while now and it does little good hanging out on my hard drive. Many of you will recognize this footage as capturing the November 8, 1998 collision of an EA-6B Prowler, BuNo. 163885/'AC-503' of VAQ-130, US Navy, based at Whidbey Island, Washington, with an S-3B Viking, BuNo. 159733 of VS-22, US Navy. The Viking was struck on the fouled-as-could-be deck by the EA‑6B during night landing practice aboard the USS Enterprise, and both flight crews ejected from their planes. Remarkably, one of the Viking crew members was quickly located entangled by his parachute in the antennae complex of the carrier's command island. The other Viking crew member was scooped up from the frigid ocean water not long thereafter. But the night wasn’t a good one for the Prowler crew. All four aboard - Lieutenant Commander Kurt W. "Gumby" Barich, 35, of Oak Harbour, Washington, and Lieutenants – Junior Grade Brendan J. "Duff" Duffy, 27, of Annapolis, Maryland; Charles E. "Woody" Woodard, 26, of Herndon, Virginia; and Meredith C. "Pop" Loughran, 26, of Sanston, Virginia; were lost. The body of LtJG Duffy was found that night, but even with the assistance of two other Navy ships in the search the remaining three were never found. I have a physical collection of color photos of the salvaged aircraft, along with - sadly - [photographs of] what personal effects were recovered. If there is interest I will scan and upload those photos. Let me know. Notes: 1. The tint is not in the original. Its addition significantly enhances perceived contrast in this footage. 2. The Navy is responsible for the choppy slow-motion replay in this video, not me.
                  I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
                  Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


                  • CoValent
                    CoValent Прокомментировал
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                    У них дек-офицер чем занимался в это время?! Да и диспетчер в башне?!

                  • Polar
                    Polar Прокомментировал
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                    Отличный вопрос. Кто давал разрешение на посадку?

                  Пилоту явно не было весело))
                  Море дело хорошее но тогда когда ты на нем отдыхаешь. Тихий пляж, прохладная вода, можно яхту на прокат взять, тогда вообще красота, подальше от берега уплыл и релаксом занимаешся в тропиках где. А все эти авианосцы, палубники - ну все это чуждо человеческой природе. Но увы, воюем больше и чаще чем в мире живем

                  Последнее видео с Хоккаем - "веселое". Представляю что в кабине было
                  Last edited by Goras; 08-08-21, 13:54.


                    A NAVAL INSTRUCTIONAL FILM (1960)

                    I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
                    Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


                      Расшифровка цветов рубахи летной палубы авианосца ВМС США

                      Как только вы сядете на борт палубы авианосца ВМС США, вы заметите, что экипаж имеет форму разного цвета. Что обозначают все цвета на летной палубе авианосца ВМФ? Продолжайте смотреть видео о цветах рубахи летной палубы авианосца ВМС США, чтобы узнать больше о различных обязанностях экипажа авианосца.

                      Aircraft Carrier's Crew hand signals explained - preflight and launch

                      I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
                      Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


                        Здесь вообще кто-нибудь ещё есть?

                        Jimi Hendrix ~ All Along The Watchtower ~ US Navy & Marine Fleet Air ~ Vietnam War

                        I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
                        Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


                        • DogEater
                          DogEater Прокомментировал
                          Редактировать комментарий
                          Володь, соболезную, сам маму похоронил год назад.
                          Держись там...

                        • CoValent
                          CoValent Прокомментировал
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                          Соболезную, Володя. Я за 10 лет так и не отошёл...

                          По Телеге советую "Меню (три полоски в верхнем левом углу) - Настройки - Данные и память - Использование памяти - 1 неделя".

                          Такая настройка удерживает от удаления на устройстве материалы в течении недели, затем они самоудаляются. На сервере же они остаются, и могут быть подгружены в любое время после.

                          У меня стоял "месяц" и за пару недель набралось около 55 гигов.

                        • Wotan
                          Wotan Прокомментировал
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                          Спасибо, парни! К сожалению, в связи с известными событиями, ковид у нас отменили только в новостях, но не в жизни. (((

                          Телегу настроил на "1 неделю". Но к разочарованию даже на этих каналах все новости перепащивают друг у друга, и оригинальных новостей и видео очень мало. По сути получается, что если видел один канал, то видел все (((

                        Originally posted by Wotan View Post
                        Здесь вообще кто-нибудь ещё есть?

                        все ушли на фронт в телеграмм.Под Николаевом еще один наш вертолет сбили.
                        Победа будет за нами!
                        Есть многое на свете, друг Горацио, что и не снилось нашим мудрецам!


                          Swordfish crews recall their torpedo attacks on Bismarck

                          t was a pivotal moment in the struggle between battleships and aircraft. The Royal Navy's biplane Fairey Swordfish torpedo bombers were flung against Nazi Germany's finest battleship - the Bismarck - in a desperate bid to prevent it wreaking havoc on vital supply convoys. The Swordfish was under-rated. It represented the pinnacle of biplane technology. It was big. It was strong. It could fly in atrocious weather. Its nickname "Stringbag" was derived from its ability to carry almost anything. It was also fitted with a world-first - air-to-surface (ASV) radar. The Bismarck was a marvel of German engineering. It was big at 41,700 tons. It was fast at 30kts. It was heavily armed. It had modern anti-aircraft directors and guns. It also had a torpedo defence system capable of withstanding a 550lb TNT blast. The first clash came when nine Swordfish of HMS Victorious' 825 Naval Air Squadron found the Bismarck in the North Atlantic on May 24, 1941. The outcome was surprising. And held severe implications for Bismarck in the days to come.

                          I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
                          Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me


                            E-2C Hawkeye Carrier Launch with Internal Audio

                            I know that it's evil. I know that it's got to be
                            Know I ain't doing much. Doing nothing means a lot to me

